
Primary Infrastructure

The power network is an important requirement for industrial activities because of the process production of industrial activities in dire need of energy sourced from electricity for operating the production equipment. In this case the standard of service electricity for industrial activities is not the same as domestic activities, where necessary stable power supply and voltage.

Industrial activities will not be separated from business aspects related to marketing as well as business development, so that telecommunication networks such as telephone and internet become a basic requirement for industrial activity actors to run activities.

The transportation network for industrial activities has a very important function, especially in terms of ease of mobility and level of achievement (accessibility) both in the provision of raw materials, movement of people and marketing of production results.

Regulation of the Minister of Industry No. 40 of 2016 states there are two types of water needs for Industrial Estates, there are industrial raw water and water for drink. The provision of industrial raw water sources can be from the company area Industry, while sources of drinking water can be obtained by business Industrial Estate companies themselves using surface water sources or Perusahaan Air Minum (PAM).

Sanitation development is one of the efforts to improve the quality and expansion of household waste services, domestic wastewater, and environmental drainage management in an integrated and sustainable manner through improved planning, institutional, implementation and supervision production results.

Wastewater that is treated in the WWTP  area includes wastewater originating from industrial production processes, household activities (domestic) industries, offices, and housing. The estimated volume and the capacity of liquid waste generated by industrial activities range from 60- 80% of clean water consumption per day. The main processing unit of the Regional IPAL in planned industries includes an equalization unit, solid separation unit, biological unit, and sludge treatment unit.

To avoid ecological damage, the spread of disease, the occurrence of floods, and the disruption of the aesthetics of an area, a waste management system will be created.

To remove excess water from an area so that the land can function optimally according to its use, and can control soil erosion and damage to the roads and buildings around it, a drainage system will be built.

Supporting Infrastructure

Environmental roads with industrial area standards. Tidar provides integrated and good environmental road access to support the business operations of investors in tidar.

Tidar prepares a team of firefighters who are experienced and trained in their field to be ready to help and assist in the event of a fire in the area.